Thursday, April 2, 2009

Having Fun... :)

playtime fun

“I Tried to Teach My Child with Books;
He Gave Me Only Puzzled Looks.
I Tried to Teach My Child with Words;
They Passed Him by Often Unheard.
Despairingly, I Turned Aside;
'How Shall I Teach this Child,' I cried?

Into My Hand He Put the Key,
'Come,' He Said, ‘Play with Me.’”
- Author Unknown

"For a small child there is no division
between playing and learning;
between the things he or she does
'just for fun' and things that are 'educational.'
The child learns while living
and any part of living that is enjoyable
is also play."
- Penelope Leach

"We don't stop playing because we turn old,
but turn old because we stop playing."
- attributed to Satchel Paige

"You hear that boy laughing?
you think he's all fun;
But the angels laugh, too,
at the good he has done;
The children laugh loud
as they troop to his call,
And the poor man that knows him
laughs loudest of all."
- Oliver Wendell Holmes